The First Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference organized by ASTFE will be held in the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, August 9-12, 2015. The inaugural conference will provide a forum for dissemination of information and knowledge exchange in thermofluids science and engineering, both nationally and internationally. A wide spectrum of topical areas will be covered ranging from fundamental to applied research and developments that address some of the grand challenges of engineering for the 21th century.
January 4, 2015:
Abstract Due
January 15, 2015:
Notification of Abstract Accept/Decline
March 9, 2015:
Draft Paper/Extended Abstract Due
April 20, 2015:
Draft Paper/Extended Abstract Reviews Completed
May 4, 2015:
Revised Manuscript (if necessary) Due
May 18, 2015:
Final Paper/Extended Abstract Due